Asih Widiyowati
Founder and Executive Director of Umah Ramah. Alumni of the an-Nidhom Nurul Huda Islamic boarding school, Gamprit, Brebes. This woman, who is familiarly called Asih, has been active in providing training on reproductive health and sexuality since 2006 among Islamic boarding school students and student communities in Cirebon. In 2018, she built the Umah Ramah community to mobilize the movement for sexuality literacy, reproductive health and prevention of sexual violence. Together with Umah Ramah, Asih also accompanies young people and students who experience sexual violence. Currently also a lecturer at the Fahmina Institute of Islamic Studies (ISIF). Can be contacted at [email protected]

Abdul Rosyidi
He has educational experience in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) for 7 years. Since 2011, he was a journalist in a print newspaper until he left in 2016. After that he was a writer and editor in several online media on issues of culture, interfaith and gender equality until 2019. During that period, apart from working as a writer and editor, he also carried out researches within the scope of these three issues. Since 2020 until now, he has worked at Umah Ramah as a researcher, writer and editor. Can be contacted at [email protected].

Mahirotus Shofa
Born in Subang, May 18, 1997. Her daily activities are not far from the bookstore ‘umahramah_store’; starting from reading, creating book contents, to holding book discussions with friends, both offline and online. You can contact her via email: [email protected].

Napol Riel
Writer and translator at Umah Ramah. In 2026-2019, he learned and worked as an editor and essay writer in a media on issues of gender equality and Islam. He also joined a youth community to learn sexuality in 2019. Interested in fiction and poetry. He also likes cats. Napol can be contacted on Instagram: @napolriel or email: [email protected].

Ahmad Hadid
He attended an Islamic boarding school (pesantren) in Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon in 2011. From 2012 to 2015, he was active in the activities of the Kroya-Karanganyar santri association (Ikhtiar) holding youth discussions from prayer room to prayer room. Since 2014, he has been active as an interfaith youth activist in Cirebon until 2017. During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019 – 2020 he was active in building the creative economy of local youth by training young people to be digitally literate and online shop. Since 2020 until now, he has worked at Umah Ramah as a news writer and accompanied young people to solve life and social problems. Hadid can be contacted via email: [email protected].

Prasetyo Aditya
Born in Cirebon, August 9, 1994. Likes the creative world, especially music, fine arts and writing. Apart from teaching at training institutions and schools, he is currently also active at Umah Ramah as a content creator, while continuing to learn to understand sexuality and sexual violence in this small community. Adit can be contacted via email: [email protected].