
We regularly hold special training and become resource persons in discussions about sexuality, sexual health, and sexual violence for young people, Islamic boarding school students, school and campus students, and others.

  • Sudhamala School

We hold integrated training to understand and eliminate sexual violence based on Islamic values and local wisdom. We call this training the Sudhamala School.

In 2023, Sudhamala will be implemented in two cohorts. The first cohort was attended by 8 people (7 women and 1 man), and the second cohort was also attended by 8 people (7 women and 1 man). The number of participants per cohort is limited to a maximum of 8 people as a forum strategy. They were selected based on a selection of essays about sexual violence that they wrote during registration.

So within a year, a total of 16 participants were involved in the training with a composition of 14 women and 2 men. They all then attended the Sudhamala School Retreat in Tompak Watu, Yogyakarta to deepen the learning process.

  • Become Resource Speakers in Various Forums

Apart from holding integrated training, we also become resource speakers for various forums on sexuality and preventing sexual violence. These activities were carried out in various places involving various elements of society.

  1. On-Campus Training. One of the activities includes strengthening the understanding of campus activists in dealing with the problem of sexual violence.
  2. Training at Islamic boarding schools. One of the activities is providing training on sexual violence to 700 male students in Cirebon. The training was also provided to 557 female students.
  3. Training in a Community. We are also often invited to be resource speakers in trainings, forums, and discussions held by people in a community. One of them was when we were invited to provide sexual violence prevention material to teenagers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Islamic Junior High School) and discuss the book Bahaya Laten Kekerasan Seksual (the Latent Dangers of Sexual Violence) at the Cafe.