Master and Mistress

May 13, 2024

By: Dewi Raudlatul Jannah Ubi tu Gaius, ibi ego Gaia, wives in the ancient Roman era often expressed and believed this sentence as something absolute. It literally means "Where you…
Students Call for Campus Assurance on Addressing Sexual Violence

March 18, 2024

By: Ahmad Hadid Umah Ramah, Women March, and the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Swadaya Gunungjati University (UGJ) Cirebon are working together to hold a seminar to commemorate International Women's…
Women and the Trinity of Roles: A Virgin-Mother-Prostitute

March 18, 2024

By: Dewi Raudlatul Jannah International Women's Day (IWD), which is commemorated annually on March 8, is a continuation of the women's movement that began in March 1911. The theme of…