Lahar Bara and Masculinity that Cuffed Men

June 19, 2024

Reporter: Ahmad Hadid The discussion series of Keprapag Maskulinitas was held again on May 24, 2024, at the Umah Ramah office. This third edition of the discussion discussed masculinity in…
Umah Ramah and Cendekia Community Hold a Book Discussion in Indramayu

May 20, 2024

By: Ahmad Hadid Umah Ramah together with Komunitas Cendekia hold a book review and discussion on book "Pesantren, Seksualitas dan Kekerasan Seksual" (Islamic Boarding Schools, Sexuality and Sexual Violence) on…
Kartini and Her Womanhood

May 20, 2024

By: Dewi Raudlatul Jannah The momentum of April 21 is celebrated as Kartini Day, taken from the birthdate of Kartini, April 21, 1879, an Indonesian woman whose contribution to thought…