Sexual Violence has been a Crucial Problem on Campuses

September 5, 2023

By: Ahmad Hadid Sexual violence has been a crucial problem on campuses. This was stated by Rifki, Chief Executive of Ta'aruf Tasawuf dan Psikoterapi (TATAPS) of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon…
Menimbang Rasa”: The Meetup of Moving Rasa and Umah Ramah

August 24, 2023

By: Ahmad Hadid Andrew Suseno, the founder of Moving Rasa, United States of America, looked enthusiastic during a discussion with Umah Ramah on Monday, August 21, 2023. Apart from discussing…
Sexual Violence in Healing Cults

August 15, 2023

By: Abdul Rosyidi As we know, sexual violence is caused by an imbalance of power relations. In a patriarchal culture nowadays, where inequality exists, women are the ones who are…