Umah Ramah – DPPKBP3A Cirebon District Signing an MOU on the Prevention of Child Marriage

November 6, 2023

By: Ahmad Hadid Population Control Service, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Dinas Pengendalian Penduduk Keluarga Berencana Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak; DPPKBP3A) along with the Ministry of Religious…
Sudhamala School Notable Notes for 2023

October 23, 2023

The Sudhamala School was held in two batches in 2023. the First Batch in June-July and the Second Batch in August-October. This school activity officially ended on Sunday, October 15…
Femicide: When Hatred of Women Leads to Murder

October 12, 2023

By: Khawakibb *** Frequently we hear about incidents of violence where the victims are women. Women seem to be easy targets for perpetrators. This cannot be separated from the construction…