UR Talks on the Understanding of Sexual Violence to UIN SSC Freshers

September 13, 2024

Reporter: Ahmad Hadid Umah Ramah had the chance to attend the freshers orientation event held by the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science Department Student Association (HMJ-IQTAF) of the Faculty of Ushuluddin…
UR Shares the Art of Understanding Yourself at LPK Hana

September 13, 2024

Reporter: Mahirotus Sofa Unlike the typical invitation, this time Umah Ramah had the opportunity to provide reinforcement on mental health at LPK (Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja; Job Training Institute) Hana Cirebon…
The “Pink Book” Discussion #2 Discusses Sexuality Knowledge in Islamic Boarding Schools

September 13, 2024

Reporter: Ahmad Hadid The book discussion “Pesantren, Seksualitas dan Kekerasan Seksual” (Islamic boarding schools, Sexuality and Sexual Violence) was held again at Kopi Satu Visi on Sunday, August 31, 2024.…