Ester Pandiangan Mentors UR Writing Class on Sexuality 2024

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16 July 2024

Reporter: Ahmad Hadid

Umah Ramah held essay writing training on sexuality and sexual violence on Tuesday-Wednesday,  June 25-26, 2024, at the Umah Ramah office, Linggahara IV Housing No. B-14, Kedawung, Cirebon. The writing class was mentored by Ester Pandiangan, author of the essay books on sexuality: “Akibat Menabukan Seks” (The Consequences of Making Sex Taboos), “Sebab Kita Semua Gila Seks (Because We Are All Crazy About Sex), “Maaf, Orgasme Bukan Hanya Urusan Kelamin” (Sorry Orgasms Are Not Just a Genital Matter) and the latest “Seks Kita Memang Perlu Dibantu” (Our Sex Needs Help).

Sixteen participants from various places, including Cirebon City, Cirebon Regency; Indramayu, Majalengka, Subang, Tegal, and Brebes Regency, participated in this writing session. These are youthful individuals with a deep interest for writing.

Before becoming a book writer, Ester Pandiangan had experience as a journalist in various media such as Harian Global, Aplaus The Lifestyle Magazine, Femina Grup, Sarasvati Art Magazine, and She shares her knowledge about the basics of essay writing and the state of content writing nowadays.

“Writing an essay is actually simple; just express your thoughts in a personal and relevant way. In the digital era, personal writing with a dash of research and expert views is highly popular,” said Ester enthusiastically.

Participants in the training are led through four intense sessions. “The Basics of Writing and Writing Today” was the topic of discussion in the first session. The significance of fusing in-depth research with firsthand experience was emphasized. In the second session, Ester discussed techniques for beginning to write from personal experience, which she believed was an important first step in in expressing ideas and stories.

The third session was the main highlight. Ester explained tactful writing techniques for topics like sexual violence and traumatic experiences.

“Writing about sensitive themes requires caution and must be supported by reliable sources. It’s critical to get appropriate validation before blindly adopting popular topics at the time,” she emphasized.

In the fourth session, Ester raised the importance of writing as a form of therapy for mental health.

“Writing can help someone heal from internal traumatic traumas. We not only share our own experiences but also provide support for those who experience similar difficulties through our works,” she explained. []

This article was translated by Napol Riel.

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