UR Talks on the Understanding of Sexual Violence to UIN SSC Freshers

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13 September 2024

Reporter: Ahmad Hadid

Umah Ramah had the chance to attend the freshers orientation event held by the Al-Qur’an and Tafsir Science Department Student Association (HMJ-IQTAF) of the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab (FUA) at the 3rd Floor Auditorium of the UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (SSC) Rectorate, on Friday, September 6, 2024. This aims to acquaint incoming students with an understanding of gender and the prevention of sexual violence in higher education.

The moderator of the event, Hasbi Asidiki, emphasized the importance of gender and child studies in the context of sexual violence.

“This topic is becoming a global conversation, and we as prospective public figures need to have this knowledge to deal with cases of sexual violence properly,” said Hasbi.

In her talk, Asih Widyowati, Founder of Umah Ramah, explained the key Islamic principles in preventing sexual violence. She quoted the Islamic teachings on Rahmatan lil Alamin, which which emphasize mutual respect and refrain from causing harm to others.

“Prophet Muhammad SAW condemned hurting oneself and others, Laa dharara wa laa dhirara,” added Asih.

Asih also reminded the freshers that sexual violence can happen to anyone, although men are often the perpetrators while women are the victims.

She highlighted the value of developing positive and conscious relationships between men and women.

“Remember not to engage in sexual violence. For women, establish relationships with full awareness and avoid attitudes that harm yourself. To be bucin (budak cinta; to be drunk on love) is acceptable because love is a gift from the Almighty, but don’t be bulol (bucin tolol; to be stupid in love), because when you are drunk on love everything is offered,” said Asih. []

This article was translated by Napol Riel.

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